The Firm is best-known for its technology & Internet law practice. Firm founder Pete Wellborn is often hailed as the most well-known Internet lawyer in the country. Unlike many “Johnny-come-lately’s” professing some expertise or experience in this area, Wellborn has had a primary practice focus on Internet law and related technologies since 1996, when he began representing, among other Internet Clients, a relatively small (at the time) up-and-coming ISP in California: EarthLink. The Firm’s technology-related legal victories have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, in Boardwatch magazine, in the book “Spam Kings,” on CNN, and in/on a variety of other newspapers, periodicals, television stations, and radio stations across the nation. In 2004, Wellborn was interviewed by Dan Rather for a 60 Minutes II segment highlighting his anti-spam efforts. The Firm’s technology/Internet law practice includes the representation of ISPs, software developers, commercial e-mail marketers, graphic design companies, and a variety of other members of the technology community. This area of the law is a natural fit for Wellborn who, along with colleague Kelly Wallace, has a technology–related degree from Georgia Tech and has taught Internet Law there as an adjunct instructor.